Reception Are Now Know-It-‘Owls’
Crackley Hall enjoyed some extra special flying visitors yesterday when Dave Sharpe from RaptorXotics brought his Owls into school to visit the children in Reception.
Dave brought in three different species of owls including a white-faced owl, a spotted owl and a barn owl as well as a hawk to help the classes understand how the different birds of prey hunt. He also brought in one of the owls' favourite foods – a rat called Neil who the children also got to meet.
The children learnt so much about owls, such as where they live, what they eat and how they hunt for their food at night-time. Did you know that owls are nocturnal animals and hunt in silence using their hearing? Dave even flew the owls across the hall over everyone’s heads. They flew so quietly it really was very hard to hear them.
The children were enthralled, it was such an amazing experience, a fantastic way to finish their first half term of learning.
Well done Reception, you behaved beautifully and now know so much about these amazing nocturnal hunters that we think you must be ‘Know-it-Owls’!